Many Body Field Theory


Quantum field theory is a powerful tool for describing the properties of many-particle systems.  In this 9 lecture module I will introduce the language of condensed matter field theory.  This will have a different focus than the the related module I gave in 2010,  introducing diagramatic techniques very early, and working on developing fluency with that language. 

This is a module about techniques, and I highly recommend that students also take PHYS 7653 to learn more about particular many body systems, and applications of these (and related) techniques.

There will be 9 lectures, and 8 homework assignments.  Short assignments will be given on Wednesdays, due in 2 days.  Longer assignments will be given on Fridays, due in 5 days.  The lectures will typically focus on qualitative and heuristic arguments, leaving the heavy lifting to the homework. 

This means, to get full benefit from the module you will need to do the homework.  The flip side, however, is that those who are “just along for the ride” should be able to get the gist of things.





About the Module

Text Books

I will not be following any one particular text, but will assign readings from some of the following texts.  As you can see, there are lots of books on this subject.

Texts available online: (click to access -- may need to be using a Cornell IP address or Passkey for the Altland and Simons book.  Most of the rest are lecture notes, and can be accessed by anyone.)

  1. Altland and Simons, Condensed Matter Field Theory

  2. Brouwer, Theory of Many-Particle Systems

  3. Coleman, Introduction to Many Body Physics

  4. Mundry, Field Theory in Condensed Matter Physics

  5. Nayak, Quantum Condensed Matter Physics

  6. Yeh, Advanced Condensed Matter Field Theory

Texts available in your local library or book store:

  1. Abrokosov, Gorkov, Dzyaloshinski, Methods of Quantum Field Theory in Statistical Physics

  2. Kadanoff and Baym, Quantum Statistical Mechanics

  3. Tsvelick, Quantum Field Theory in Condensed Matter Physics

  4. Fetter and Walecka, Quantum Theory of Many-Particle Systems

  5. Mattuck, A Guide to Feynman Diagrams in the Many-Body Problem

  6. Wen, Quantum Field Theory of Many-body Systems: From the Origin of Sound to an Origin of Light and Electrons

  7. Bruus, Many-Body Theory in Condensed Matter Physics: An Introduction

  8. Mahan, Many-Particle Physics

  9. Negele and Orland, Quantum Many-particle Systems



Homework 1: Due Friday Jan 23, 2013 -- p7654hw1.2013.pdf

    Solutions: p7654sol1.2013.pdf

Homework 2: Parts dues Wed Jan 30 and Friday Feb 1, 2013

    --  typo’s fixed: p683hw2.2013.v2.pdf

    -- (original version without corrections: p7654hw2.2013.pdf)

    Solutions: p683hw2.2013.v2.sol.pdf

Homework 3: Due Wednesday Feb 6 --p7654hw3.2013.pdf

    -- typo’s fixed: p683hw3.yariv.2013.pdf

    -- Solutions: p683hw3.2013.v2.pdf

Homework 4: Due Friday Feb 8 -- p683hw4.2013.pdf

Homework 5: Due Wednesday Feb 13 -- p683hw5.2013.pdf