Group Presentations
Erich Mueller Presentations (since 2003)
- Suggestions for future Cold Atom programs in DOD ARO MURI Review, Chicago, IL, Sept. 2016
- Soliton Dynamics in Fermi Superfluids Workshop on Ultracold Atoms, Beijing, China, Sept. 2016
- Quantum Dynamics in Quasiperiodic Optical Lattices, Workshop on Quantum Dynamics of Spins, Atoms, and Electrons, Bilkent Turkey, May 2016
- Tutorial: Anomalous Quantum Charge Pumping , Workshop on Quantum Dynamics of Spins, Atoms, and Electrons, Bilkent Turkey, May 2016
- The Future of Quantum Emulation California Institute for Quantum Emulation, Berkeley CA, Jan 2016
- Quantum Dynamics in Quasiperiodic Optical Lattices
ARO MURI Meeting, Berkeley CA, Jan 2016
- IAS Focused Program on Topological Phases in Condensed Matter and Cold Atomic Systems – Hong Kong, Dec. 2015
- CUHK Physics Colloquium – Hong Kong, Dec. 2015
- MIT/Harvard CUA Seminar, Oct. 2015
- Cornell LASSP Seminar, Sept. 2015
- BEC 2015, Sant Feliu de Guixols, Spain, Sept. 2015
- Tutorial, PCTS meeting on Topological and Strongly Correlated Phases in Cold Atoms, Princeton NJ, April 2015
- PCTS meeting on Topological and Strongly Correlated Phases in Cold Atoms, Princeton NJ, April 2015
- Georgia Tech Physics Colloquium, Nov. 2014
- Cornell Physics Colloquium, Oct. 2014
- Measurement Paradigms for Nonequilibrium Dynamics, ARO MURI Meeting, Cambridge MA,, May 2014
- Majorana Fermions, Workshop on Quantum Many-Body Systems in Low Dimensions, Wuhan China, June 2013
- Absence of Twisted Superfluid Phase in Mean Field Model of Cold Bosons in a Hexagonal Optical Lattice,
DARPA OLE Meeting, San Francisco CA, May 2013
1D Fermi Gases, DARPA OLE Meeting, May 2012
Majorana Fermions in Cold Atoms, International Conference on Frontiers of Cold Atoms and Related Topics, Hong Kong, May 2012
- Cross border Workshop, "The butterfly garden", Jun 2011.
- College of Williams and Mary colloquium, "The butterfly garden", October 2010
- UIUC condensed matter seminar, "The butterfly garden", October 2010
- Workshop on Gauge fields in ultracold gases, Beijing, "Interplay between Magnetic fields and lattices in cold atoms", September 2009
- CASTU seminar, Beijing, "Current state of pseudogap experiments in cold gases", September 2009
- Maximum Entropy Methods in Cold Gases, Aspen Center for Physics
- Maximum Entropy Methods in Cold Gases, DARPA OLE Meeting, Dulles VA
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- Phase Diagram of 1D Polarized Fermions, DARPA OLE Meeting, Dulles VA
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- "From the Bose Hubbard Model to coupled quantum Hall clusters", Research Frontiers in Ultracold Atoms, May 2009
"Ultracold Fermions", James Franck Institute Colloquium, Feb 2009
- "Cold Atom Theory", Monday Lunch Cornell, Jan 2009
- Basic Training in Condensed Matter Physics lectures: bragg.key,
- "Evolution of the Pseudogap in Strongly Interacting Fermi Gases", Invited talk, Frontiers of Degenerate Quantum Gases, Beijing, Oct 2008
- "Ultracold Fermions", Rice University Physics Colloquium, Oct 2008
- "Evolution of the Pseudogap in Strongly Interacting Fermi Gases", MIT-Harvard Center for Ultracold Atoms Seminar, Oct 2008
- "Spin Imbalanced 1D fermi gases", DARPA OLE workshop, May 2008
- "Theory of RF spectroscopy of strongly interacting Fermi gases", Invited Talk, APS March Meeting, March 2008.
- "Polarized Fermi Gases", Invited Talk, Physics of Quantum Electronics, Jan 2008.
- "Clock Shifts", Condensed Matter Theory Seminar, OSU, Oct 2007
- "BCS-BEC Crossover and FFLO", CASTU Workshop on Current Developments in Ultracold Atoms, Beijing, Dec 2006
- "Atoms in periodic potentials", Peking University, Dec 2006
- "Ultracold Fermions", Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics, Beijing, Dec 2006
- "Polarized Fermi Gases", Pensilvania State University, CAMP Seminar, Nov 2006
- "FFLO", Rice University, Sept 2006
- "Surface Tension in Population Imbalanced Unitary Fermi Gases", Strong Correlations in Fermi Systems, Copenhagen, June 2006
- "Boson Pairing," AMO seminar, Berkeley, Oct 2005
- "Boson Pairing," Invited talk, CIAR meeting on ultractold atoms, Oct 2005
- "Progress in Ultracold Atoms," Colloqium, University of Toronto, Oct 2005
- "Progress in Ultracold Atoms," Colloqium, Aspen Center for Physics, Summer, 2005
- "Physics at -273.15C," public lecture, Aspen Center for Physics, Summer 2005
- "Density order in low dimensional atomic and electronic systems," Colloquium, Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Amsterdam, May 23, 2005.
- "Wigner Crystallization in inhomogeneous one dimensional wires," APS March Meeting, March 2005
- "Ultrafast rotation of ultracold gases", Queens University Condensed Matter Seminar, Nov, 2004.
- "Rotating Cold Gases: Routes to New Physics", Invited talk at KITP conference on ultracold atoms, May 11, 2004.
- "Superfluidity in Fermi Gases", Arizona State University Colloquium, April 8, 2004.
- "Ultrafast rotation of ultracold gases", Arizona State University Soft Matter Seminar, April 7, 2004.
- "Ultrafast rotation of ultracold gases",University of Massechusets Condensed Matter Seminar, April 22, 2004
- "Artificial Electromagnetism for Neutral Atoms: From Laughlin Liquids to Escher Staircases", APS March Meeting, March 2004.
- "The next generation of Quantum Degenerate Gas Experiments", University of Cincinnati Colloquium, Nov 6, 2003
- "Ultrafast Rotation of Ultracold gases", University of Cincinnati Condensed Matter Seminar, Nov 5, 2003